Hiveworks Comics
HOW TO SAKANA Minicomic Pages 3-4
Posted September 19, 2012 at 09:00 pm

(NOTE: This comic was originally posted in October 2016 and then re-dated to appear earlier in the comic. So, I was married in 2016, not 2012!) 

Heyyyyy guess what I'M A MARRIED WOMAN NOW! Me and Gannon got hitched at my family's Pennsylvania sheep farm this past Saturday. Here's a picture of us being extremely tired after the reception: 

NEEDLESS TO SAY, the rehersal dinner put a damper on last Friday's update plans. So here are two pages today, and you can expect the last two on Friday. AND THEN BACK TO REGULAR SAKANA PAGES. I hope you're excited for chapter 17 (and the return of like literally every other character in the series). Thanks for all your support, guys!! Like honestly, making this webcomic helps me support our new family, and it means a lot to me that you all read and enjoy the updates!! :'D 
